Computer and Network Maintenance Division


The Division established through merging two Divisions:  Network and Maintenance at Information Technology Center to play its role and activities as a technical Division within the center, due to the rapid development in the fields of technology and computers. The Division provides two main services:

The first one: computer devices, servers maintains and their accessories for all departments and units of the university. In addition to, management and conducting electronic exams for various beneficiaries, whether they are governmental, university, or other external entities, at the Center and the university departments' that are connected through computer networks. The Division staff, designs and implements internal networks using special operating systems.


The second one:  It provides internet services for all university figuration through advanced infrastructure of internet and intranet network for the university. This network connects all departments, centers and dormitories as well. It offers high-capacity internet packages to meet the needs of university prospects in adoption the latest information technology available in most international institutions and universities, as well as providing a wide Internet package that can meet the needs of all university staff faculty employees, in addition to under and postgraduate students. The division is directly responsible for developing and maintaining this infrastructure on an ongoing basis, which helps to keep pace with the continuous development in information and communications technology.

The Division staff's also participate in organizing training programs held at the Information Technology Center.


Division Staff

  • Assistant Chief Eng. Mutaz Haider Shwaish (the Head of the Division)
  • Assistant Lecturer Ali Abdul Latif Abdul Bari
  • Assistant Lecturer Muthana Ali Kazim
  • Assistant Lecturer Hassan Abdul Hadi Kazim
  • Assistant Lecturer Omar Hadeb Sadoon
  • Chief Programmer Ahmed Abdul Jabbar Mohammed Amin,
  • Assistant Chief Eng. Saba mothefar Nasser
  • Chief Programmers Luqman Khudhair Kaytan,
  • Chief Eng. Rasha Abdul Rasool Abdul Hussein
  • Assistant Chief Eng. Mohammed Mufuq Mohammed
  • Senior Eng. Anmar Hussein Ali
  • Senior Researcher Ihab Abbas Fadel
  • Senior Eng. Ali Fares Abdul Latif
  • Eng. Maha Hameed Majid

