To all those wishing to participate in computer proficiency courses


The Information Technology Center holds a computer proficiency course weekly from Sunday to Thursday.

The computer proficiency course is held in person at our center and its lectures begin daily at 08:30 in the morning and last for two hours.

The test date is Thursday of the same week.


Those wishing to participate in the computer proficiency course must register in the electronic form at the link below

The electronic form will close automatically after reaching the maximum number of course participants, and upcoming courses will be announced with new times.


🛑 The registrant in the electronic registration form is considered accepted in the course, and the participant must commit to starting and attending from the first day of the course to guarantee his seat, otherwise his registration will be considered cancelled.


🛑 Note that applicants with specialization in the field of computers can apply directly to the test without the need for a course.


Link to the registration form for the computer proficiency course:
