Establishing a course to assist in the affairs of doctors, fighters, and sacrifices

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Under the supervision of the L. Ali Abdul Razzaq Tarish, the respected director of the Information Technology Center, and out of cooperation between all state institutions held a free training course in the Information Technology Center/Training and Technical Support Division.

(Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel), which Conducted  in the center hall of the Popular Mobilization Forces /Assistant for the Affairs of Medicine, Fighters and Victims, dated 01/08/2024 and continuing until 01/18/2024.

Microsoft Word course details

- Introduction to the Microsoft Word processor program - Identifying menus. - Use of tables. – Preparation Page - Print - Graphics bar Draw.

Microsoft Excel course

-Learning about the Excel environment

 - How to deal with cells

 - How to control rows and columns

 - Formatting and sorting cells








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